Ekspozita e Muzeut të Holokaustit në Shkup, publikohet në IHRA


Aleanca Ndërkombëtare e Përkujtimit të Holokaustit ( IHRA ), është organ ndërqeveritar i rreth 30 shteteve, e cila merret me mbështetjen e aktiviteteve në planin politik, social, arsimor e huumtues, që kanë të bëjnë me përkujtimin e Holokaustit.

Në ueb faqen zyrtare të këtij rrjeti global, ka gjetur vend edhe informacioni për ekspozitën e organizuar më 30 nëntor 2015, në Qendrën Memoriale të Holokaustit të Hebrenjve nga Maqedonia, me temë: “Ballafaqimi me të kaluarën – Guximi qytetar në kohë të vështira”.

Ja linku i mëposhtëm dhe teskti origjinal në anglisht:



‘Dealing with the past – civil courage in difficult times’

07.12.2015 – The exhibition ‘Dealing with the past – civil courage in difficult times’ was opened in the ‘Holocaust Memorial Center for the Jews from Macedonia’ in Skopje on 30 November.

The exhibition is a joint project within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation signed between the Holocaust Memorial Center, the Institute for National History – Skopje, the local Jewish community and the Institute for cultural and spiritual heritage of the Albanians.

The main aim of the exhibition is to use documents and photos to demonstrate coexistence between different ethnic and religious groups before and during WWII. The focus of the exhibition is on the joint effort by those living in Albania and in what is now the territory of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to save Jews during WWII.

The exhibition was opened by the highest representatives of the above mentioned institutions as well as by the German Ambassador to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the USA Aid Director and the ForumZFD Director, who were the main supporters of the project.

At the opening of the exhibition, representatives of the government of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Diplomatic Core, Religious communities, and the media were present.

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Nga Prof.dr. Skender ASANI   Prezantimi i punës kërkimoro-shkencore dhe botuese të Institutit tonë gjatë …